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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Fall Registration is now Open!

Fall Core Referee Requirements

It is up to each team to cover their referee requirements.  Referees must be in proper referee attire, meet all volunteer requirements, and be registered for the appropriate game in the referee scheduler .  Below are the referee requirements for each age group:

For Spring CO-ED games: 

The teams playing are responsible for supplying the referees for their matches.  Traditionally the home team is responsible for supplying 2 referees and the visiting team is responsible for supplying 1 referee.  Please use the Referee scheduler to coordinate coverage for your matches.

During Fall competition:

  • U6-U8 - Team must provide referees to cover their own games

  • U10 - Teams are required to cover the game following their own on the field they play on, or if playing the last game of the day, they cover the first game of the day in their age division (Therefore, Girl Teams may cover Boy Teams and Boy Teams may cover Girl Teams).  Home Team is to supply 2 referees and the visiting team is to supply one additional referee for the game following theirs.

  • U12-U14 - Teams are required to cover the game following their own on the field they play on, or if playing the last game of the day, they cover the first game of the day, in their age division (Therefore, Girl Teams may cover Boy Teams and Boy Teams may cover Girl Teams) .  Due to Area play where the visiting team may not be from our region, the home team will be responsible for providing all referees, but are strongly encouraged to work with the other Claremont teams so we can share referee duties as widely as possible. 

  • U16/U19 - Each team may be required to supply referees during their own game if the region is not able to provide coverage.

Referee Scheduler

Each volunteer MUST update their volunteer form and register as a volunteer.

Referee Game Reservation Priority is as follows:

1. Referees who are assigned to a Team are to have scheduled the game for which they have a referee responsibility a week before their Game.
2. Youth Referees who wish to pick up an additional game may request to fill in their choice of one additional game on Monday
3. Pool or EXTRA referees who would like to pick up an additional game may request an open remaining slot on Tuesday.
4. IF we get to Wednesday and there are still open slots in the schedule, we will attempt to provide a referee and referees are free to fill in multiple same day game requests at that time, but the coach of the team responsible for providing the referee may need to show up and perform club linesman duties.

Games should be signed up through the - REFEREE SCHEDULER

Please do not just show up to a field without checking the referee scheduler and reserving the appropriate slot.

*If you have not already created an account in the new scheduler you will need to , click on "please register as a Referee now"

Once you are approved by our Scheduler you will be able to access the Game schedule and signup for games.

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Claremont AYSO - Region 3

2058 N. Mills Ave. #506 
Claremont, California 91711

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